More people nowadays are not successful, only few succeed. Why? Most people afraid to dream because they are afraid to fail. They do not want to try because it is very hurting when we encountered failure. Dreaming for some are for those who can afford only. Why dream of having a beautiful house when there is no capability to have it? Why dream of having a car when even the tire alone you cannot afford to buy? Because of this negative thoughts we afraid to dream. This negative thought is for only those who are negative people.
I just realize the value of a dream when i join the network marketing business. For a networker a dream is not enough, it should be a big dream. According to some of the speakers in the Aim Global Company, why afraid to dream big, its free. Mahirap na nga wala pang pangarap yun na nga lang ang free wala ka pa.
Why we need to dream?
1. Dream changes your actions and behavior. Your actions and behavior are dependent of your dream. Because you have a dream you work, you do everything just to get the goal you wanted. For example, you want to be an honor graduate. What are supposed to be your actions and behavior? You have to study hard, avoid barkadas focus all your attention to your studies in that way your dreams can be achieved.
2. Dream improves your way of life. Once you achieve your dream your life will be improved than before. Your life will be must easier and happier than before. More and more opportunities come your way. More often dreamers are more successful than those who don't dream. Just like for example in our networking business, only those who have dreams join the company. They believe that they can achieve their dreams when they join the company. Since only few dreams only few succeed.
3. Dream changes the way people think. Mostly those who dreams are positive thinkers, positive people. These people are the people who believe in the law of attraction. They believe that whatever they want can be achieved if they will only believe. Believe in the power of dreams and all those dreams can be yours.
Are you a dreamer? If so you have a good personality. Do not just dream without doing something. A dreamer should work for her dreams in order to achieve.
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